A NSW Government website

Rural Assistance Authority

Sheep and Goat eID Rebate - Saleyards

Industry and government (at a state and national level) have agreed to transition towards mandatory electronic identification (eID) for sheep and farmed goats nation-wide.

In 2022, the NSW Government released an industry implementation plan for the roll out of eID for sheep and farmed goats. You can learn more about the implementation plan at www.dpi.nsw.gov.au/eid.

Rebates have been made available to primary producers, stock and station agents, saleyards (including local government saleyards) and processors to supplement the cost of purchasing and installing eID systems.

Rebate applications are now closed

In accordance with the program guidelines, the NSW Sheep and Goat eID Rebate for saleyard operators is now closed to applications. You can download the program guidelines for reference below:
NSW Sheep and Goat eID Rebate - Guidelines for Saleyards

Approved applicants have six months from the date of application approval to submit claims for eligible costs.

Claim payment

Please note that the online form has file size restrictions (approx. 20MB total) – for each attachment please ensure the file size is 2.5MB or less to avoid submission issues.

To lodge a claim, you will need:

  • BP reference number
  • ABN number
  • Case number from your original application
  • Tax invoices
  • Proof of payment.

Please note, invoices to be claimed under this program must be submitted within six months of application approval.

If you have been approved for an extension to your claim period, your invoices and proof of payment must be submitted by the extended date advised by the RAA. Claims received beyond this date cannot be accepted.

We recommend you use the Google Chrome browser when submitting a claim. If you are unsure at any stage of the process as to how to complete the online claim form, please refer to the Example Claim Request Form.

Frequently asked questions

The DPI Sheep and Goat eID team regularly update their website with answers to queries that people and businesses across the sheep and goat industries are raising - visit the DPI Frequently Asked Questions webpage to learn more.

In addition, below is a link to some FAQs specific to the rebate application process for saleyards:
Frequently asked questions - Saleyards

If you have questions not covered on the DPI or RAA websites, please email the DPI team on sheepgoateid@dpi.nsw.gov.au.

Need help?

For more information on the implementation of eID for sheep and goats in NSW visit www.dpi.nsw.gov.au/eid or email the DPI Sheep and Goat eID Team on sheepgoateid@dpi.nsw.gov.au.

If you have any questions about the rebate you can contact our team by calling 1800 678 593 or emailing rural.assist@raa.nsw.gov.au.

If you have difficulty understanding the guidelines or completing the application form you should seek the assistance of your rural/financial counsellor, business advisor, accountant or a trusted family member/friend. If you need assistance with interpreting or translating, please contact Multicultural NSW on 1300 651 500 or email languageservices@multicultural.nsw.gov.au.

If you are experiencing any issues completing the form, free confidential assistance is available from your local Rural Financial Counselling Service (RFCS). For more information, visit the RFCS website or call:

  • Northern region: 1800 344 090
  • Southern and Central region: 1800 319 458

Additional funding for saleyard operators

Eligible saleyard operators who applied for the initial NSW Sheep and Goat eID Rebate were provided the opportunity to apply for additional funding through the NSW Sheep and Goat eID Saleyard Infrastructure Grant.

The NSW Sheep and Goat eID Saleyard Infrastructure Grant is now closed to applications.

You can download the program guidelines for reference below:
Program Guidelines – NSW Sheep and Goat eID Saleyard Infrastructure Grant

Approved applicants should note that a funding deed must be fully executed before accessing funds through the NSW Sheep and Goat eID Saleyard Infrastructure Grant. An example of the funding deed is provided below for reference:
Example Funding Deed – NSW Sheep and Goat eID Saleyard Infrastructure Grant