A NSW Government website

Rural Assistance Authority

Sheep and Goat eID Rebate - Saleyards

Industry and government (at a state and national level) have agreed to transition to mandatory electronic identification (eID) for sheep and farmed goats nation-wide. For more information on the implementation of eID for sheep and goats in NSW visit www.dpi.nsw.gov.au/eid.

Rebates were made available to primary producers, stock and station agents, saleyards (including local government saleyards) and processors to supplement the cost of purchasing and installing eID tagging systems.

Applications and claims are now closed

In accordance with the program guidelines, the NSW Sheep and Goat eID Rebate for Saleyards and the NSW Sheep and Goat eID Saleyard Infrastructure Grant are now closed to applications and claims.

Please refer to the program guidelines for details:
Program Guidelines – NSW Sheep and Goat eID Rebate for Saleyards
Program Guidelines – NSW Sheep and Goat eID Saleyard Infrastructure Grant